Hounslow Council is updating its ‘Character and Design Study’ and wants residents to define their local areas to help gain perspective for planning and engagement. However they (or their consultants) have placed Grove Park in either ‘Riverside’ or ‘Chiswick’, rendering us invisible. The new ‘Riverside’ area above exists on no other map, bundling together Strand on the Green, southern Grove Park and a portion of Duke’s Meadows (which is in Homefields Ward).
Since 1970, the GPG’s strong view has been that Grove Park, from the A4 to the river, has its own character, but please set down whatever your views, via the survey.
It is at hounslowcharacteranddesign.commonplace.is and closes on 5th February 2021.
If you need help or would like a physical copy posted, please email ldf@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 3419. There are only 4 questions and should take a minute or so.
More details: The study will “detail the character of local areas to reveal opportunities to protect and enhance character”.
There will be workshops in February and March, and then a 6-week consultation via community workshops in May on the draft Study.
For those interested in the results of the 2014 study, please see www.hounslow.gov.uk/info/20034/planning_policy/1097/urban_context_and_character_study