The Grove Park Group Constitution

The name of the Society is the Grove Park Group.

The Society is established for the public benefit for the following purposes in the area between Cedars Road / Ellesmere Road (A4) and Church St as far as the A4, and the River Thames from Kew Bridge to Church Street, (but not including Strand On The Green), which total area shall herein after be referred to as the area.
(a) To help to maintain the character of the area by the preservation, or improvement of features, of items of historic or public interest.
(b) To inform residents of the area of plans or events that might possibly alter the ambience of the area. This would include liaison with the local Council, planning committees, drainage and all other local and statutory authorities, voluntary organisations, charities and persons with similar aims to those of the Society.
(c ) To increase knowledge and appreciation of the area, both within and outside its borders.

In line with the purposes of the Society, its Committee shall have the following powers:
(1) To act as a communicating body, liaising with the local authority, planning committees, sanitary, drainage and all other local and statutory authorities, voluntary organisations, charities and other persons, and communicate information throughout the area.
(2) To publish newsletters, reports and other literature to inform the area’s residents about current or proposed events in the area.
(3) To provide advice and information to residents of the area.
(4) To collect information in relation to any item of historic or social interest within the area.
(5) To raise funds and to invite and receive contributions from any person or persons by way of subscription, donation and otherwise.
(6) To carry out actions as are necessary for the attainment of the purposes of the Society.

Membership shall be open to all who are interested in actively furthering the purposes of the Society. No Member shall have power to vote at any meeting of the Society if his subscription is in arrears at the time.

The annual subscription shall be:
Full members £10 pa, or £40 for five years
Or such other reasonable sums as the Executive Committee shall determine from time to time and it shall be payable on or before the first day of the membership year. Membership shall lapse if the subscription is unpaid two months after it is due.

An Annual General Meeting shall be held in or about the first week of September of each year to receive the Executive Committee’s report and audited accounts and to elect Officers and Members of the Committee.

The Committee shall decide when ordinary meetings of the Society shall be held and shall give at least seven days’ notice of such meetings to all members.

Special General Meetings of the Society shall be held at the written request of members representing not less than 10 per cent of the existing membership of the Society and whose subscriptions are fully paid-up. Members personally present shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Society.

Nominations for the election of officers shall be made at or before the Annual General Meeting. Such nominations shall be supported by a seconder and the consent of the proposed nominee must first have been obtained. The elections of Officers shall be completed prior to the election of further Committee Members.

The Officers of the Society shall consist of:

  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Honorary Secretary
  • Honorary Treasurer
  • Membership secretary

All of whom shall relinquish their office every year and shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies occurring among the Officers of the Society.

The Committee shall be responsible for the management and administration of the Society. The Committee shall consist of the Officers and not more than five other members. The committee shall have power to co-opt further members (who shall attend in an advisory and non-voting capacity). The Officers and members of the committee shall normally be resident or work in the area of benefit but the Committee shall have power to co-opt additional members from outside the area of benefit.

In the event of an equality in the votes cast on any motion, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. Members of the Committee shall be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Outgoing members may be re-appointed. The Committee shall meet not less than six times a year at intervals of not more than two months and the Honorary Secretary shall give all members no less than seven days’ notice of such meeting.

A quorum shall comprise three members of the Committee.

The Committee may institute sub-committees from time to time for purposes as shall be thought fit. The Chairman and Secretary of each sub-committee shall be appointed by the Committee and all actions and proceedings of each sub-committee shall be reported to and be confirmed by the Committee within the agreed timescale. Members of the Committee may be members of any sub-committee and membership of a sub-committee shall be no bar to appointment of membership of the Committee. Sub-committees shall be subordinate to the Committee and may be relegated or dissolved by the Committee.

The Committee shall, out of the funds of the Society, pay all proper expenses of administration and management of the Society. After the payment of the administration and management expenses and the setting aside of reserve sums as may be deemed expedient, the remaining funds of the Society shall be applied by the Committee to further the aims of the Society.

In approving or making payments through any account operated in the name of the GPG, or on its behalf, it shall be that the transaction is approved by the signature of two of the Committee, both being designated signatories of that account.

Amended August 2021